Lindcroft is a custom homebuilder located in British Columbia, Canada. When I say “custom”, I mean truly custom. To the point where they introduced something called Soul Mining into their process. It’s where they discover the true needs and desires that drive the lifestyles behind the spaces they dream up. Truly remarkable stuff (see one of their creations at the bottom of this page).
They approached me to help articulate and design a brand for them that would reflect their unparalleled creativity and craftsmanship. I led them through a rebrand process, that resulted in a logo, what I call a style board and stationary. The logo incorporates the alchemy symbol for earth (which speaks to how this company creates magic from various natural elements) with the feather of a Raven (symbolic of ingenuity). We also created a one page manifesto but this is the one sentence distillation of that: Where childlike imagination and audacity meet uncompromising design and meticulous craftsmanship to create uniquely magical spaces.